naturist sensual massage and relaxation

Need a moment to relax and well-being? On the exchange and sharing? All in mutual respect?

I invite you to discover the benefits of naturist massage, tantric or body-body.
I also proposes to involve the most sensuality such as water fun that involves taking ashower together before the massage, a perfect way to discover and tame.
But also the top top the mutual option which is the apotheosis of sensuality, associatepreferably a massage body body.

Initially our exchanges will be by email, note that we receive by appointment only sainte lucie castries naturiste sensuel caresse bien etre massage tantrique


Ville : Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Montbéliard, Montbéliard Statut de la relation : Relations ouvertes Orientation : Hétérosexuel Longueur : 175 - 180 cm Posture : Moyen Yeux : Bleu Formation : Collège Couleur des cheveux : Blond clair Fumer : Non BDSM : Non Taille de la tasse : E70 Rasé : Oui Piercings : Non Tatouages : Non